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30-day Free Trial

Test drive the Hunt Calendars service for 30 days. All features are enabled. No payment information is required.

The first step is to create a calendar group and invent a group ID. Create a calendar and start adding events. Create as many additional calendars as you want.

If you wish to continue using your calendars, create an account before the end of the 30 days and provide payment information. All your calendar data and settings will be preserved. Or if you decide not to use the service, do nothing, and your calendar data will automatically be deleted.

After you start your free trial:
You will receive an email confirmation message that gives instructions for getting the most out of your calendars. The message will also include the web address (URL) of your calendar.

If you plan to allow others to add events, create group member usernames and passwords, then send each group member their login information and the web address (URL) of the calendar. For each calendar, you can specify:

Embed the calendar within your website or just link to it. If you want others to view your calendar without logging in, use a read-only URL that removes all editing buttons.

Check out the numerous calendar options from the Calendar Administration page. Contact us if you need assistance setting up your calendars.

Try out the features
Experiment with the numerous features.
No software to install and maintain. All you need is a web browser.
Low Cost - $4.95/month or $49.95/year for one calendar. Unlimited number of users and data usage.
Calendar customization: Custom event categories and colors, custom header and footer. Use URL parameters to alter the calendar display.
Powerful Features: email reminders, event conflict notification, recurring events, copy events to other calendars, event addition/update notification... more
Advanced Viewing Options: Search events within a date range by keyword and/or by category.